Workshop ( First / Second Semester)
Elements of Mechanical Engineering ( First / Second Semester)
Engineering Graphics ( First / Second Semester)
Basic Engineering Thermodynamics ( Third Semester)
Fluid Mechanics and Machinery ( Third Semester)
Mechanics of Machines ( Third Semester)
Basic Manufacturing Process ( Third Semester)
Material Science and Metallurgy ( Third Semester)
Engineering Drawing ( Third Semester)
Metrology and Quality Control ( Third / Fourth Semester)
Mechanics of solids (Third / Fourth Semester)
Workshop Practice (Third / Fourth Semester)
Mechanics of Solids Lab (Third / Fourth Semester)
Applied Thermodynamics (Fourth Semester)
Analysis and Design of Machine Components (Fourth Semester)
Computer Aided Engineering (Fourth Semester)
Manufacturing Technology (Fourth Semester)
Machine Drawing (Fourth Semester)
Mechanical Laboratory 1 (Fifth / Sixth Semester)
Energy Engineering (Fifth Semester)
Design of Mechanical Drives (Fifth Semester)
Mechanical Measurement and Instrumentation (Fifth Semester)
Principles of Management (Fifth Semester)
Metrology and CAD Lab (Fifth / Sixth Semester)
Fluid Mechanics and Machinery (Fifth / Sixth Semester)
Mechatronics (Fourth/ Fifth / Sixth/ Seventh/ Eighth Semester)
Environmental Pollution Control (Fourth/ Fifth / Sixth/ Seventh/ Eighth Semester)
Fluid Power Control (Fourth/ Fifth / Sixth/ Seventh/ Eighth Semester))
Heat Transfer (Sixth Semester)
Machine Dynamics and Vibrations (Sixth Semester)
Machine Shop – I (Fifth / Sixth Semester)
Engineering Economics (Sixth Semester)
Practical training (Seventh Semester)
Major Project I (Seventh Semester)
Mechanical Laboratory II (Seventh / Eighthh Semester)
Machine Shop – II (Seventh / Eighth Semester)
Seminar (Eighth Semester)
Condition monitoring and predictive maintenance (Fourth / Fifth / Sixth / Seventh/ Eighth Semester)
Nuclear science and engineering (Fourth / Fifth / Sixth / Seventh / Eighth Semester)
Micro system technology (Fourth / Fifth / Sixth / Seventh / Eighth Semester)
Product design and manufacturing (Fourth/ Fifth / Sixth/ Seventh/ Eighth Semester)
Solar Energy (Fourth/ Fifth / Sixth/ Seventh/ Eighth Semester)
Energy Management (Fourth/ Fifth / Sixth/ Seventh/ Eighth Semester)
Theory of gas turbine and jet propulsion (Fourth/ Fifth / Sixth/ Seventh/ Eighth Semester)
Multi body dynamics and applications (Fourth/ Fifth / Sixth/ Seventh/ Eighth Semester)


Contact us

K V Gangadharan, Coordinator
Centre for System Design, NITK, Surathkal
P. O. Srinivasnagar, Mangalore - 575 025
Karnataka, India.

  • Hot line: +91-0824-2473915